From Kathleen’s Heart: Intro to Blog

From Kathleen Kaplan's Heart to Yours: Intro to the Blog

Welcome! I am excited to connect with you. So, are you looking for some inspiration to fuel your spiritual growth? If so, you will find my Bridal Heart blog helpful. It is a treasure trove of valuable lessons to inspire and motivate you on your spiritual journey. Whether feeling uninspired or looking for new biblical insights, you will find practical steps with heavenly realm content to help deepen your relationship with Jesus. Along the way, you will discover hidden treasures of God’s Kingdom that will launch you into heavenly realms.

How My Blog Came to Life

Have you ever felt like you have something unique to share? Maybe you’re a writer or have a perspective on life that could bless others. I’ve been there too. After writing my books, a friend suggested I start a blog to reach more people. At first, I was hesitant, but after some prayer, I felt like the Holy Spirit was telling me to go for it and share my voice with the world.

In today’s world, social media has become an integral part of our lives, connecting us with people across the globe. It has opened the door to building meaningful relationships and offering support to one another, which is truly remarkable. Recently, I have been reflecting on my spiritual journey and the valuable insights I have gained from my relationship with God. These lessons have been transformative for me, and now, I am sharing them with you.

What You Can Expect

As a Christian, my books and blog posts feature King Jesus as our Savior, Bridegroom, and Shepherd of our souls. They point to the Holy Spirit for our spiritual equipping and empowerment to be overcomers. It highlights the Creator God as the loving Heavenly Father our hearts have longed for. Along with a deep understanding of the reverence His holiness deserves. For over fifty years, I’ve listened to God’s still, small voice and written down His loving and revelatory messages. These are included within my Bridal Heart books and the blog posts. I believe these will inspire you as they have me.

As you read through these free resources and implement the truths found there, you will discover your faith will become stronger and have a closer relationship with Jesus, who is the only Way, the Truth, and the Life. Then, when life’s challenges show up, your knee-jerk reaction will be to trust Him with all your heart. This lifestyle enables you to overcome challenges that come your way.

What Does That Look Like?

Each of us has a unique purpose woven intricately into our connection with God. But often, we find ourselves chasing the world’s fleeting pleasures, thinking that they will fill the emptiness within us. However, the truth is that no amount of money or material possessions can ever provide the lasting satisfaction and joy we seek.

Only a relationship with Jesus satisfies! Putting our faith in Jesus Christ and surrendering our hearts into His hands is our best decision. This gives us eternal life that removes the fear of death and a role in His earthly Kingdom as a member of the mystical Body of Christ. Living for Him impacts every aspect of our lives positively. Everything falls into place when we embrace Jesus and our unique God-given destiny. The Holy Spirit then leads us on the Bridal Heart path.

Your Call To Action

Therefore, if you ever feel like invisible barriers are holding you back from the life you want, it’s time to break free from those chains. Take a leap of faith toward the path meant for you. Imagine yourself embarking on a spiritual journey where you come to know your Bridegroom, King Jesus, on a personal level. With the help of Bridal Heart Diary and Bridal Heart Scribe, you will gain a fresh perspective on scripture. Now, you are inspired to dive into the deep waters of the Holy Spirit.

As a Bridal Heart, you will fall madly in love with Jesus by setting out on this miraculous path. Furthermore, each step of this journey unveils a dimension that overflows with love, happiness, and peace. Additionally, every moment of this adventure will leave you in amazement. As you witness the awe-inspiring power of an intimate relationship with God, prepare to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Then, watch your life transform in ways you never thought possible.

Embrace Your Life as a Bridal Heart

Imagine yourself standing on the brink of a breathtaking spiritual journey, not just any voyage, but the one that will transform your heart into that of a pure, devoted, and loving Bride. The first step you need to take is to dive into the treasure trove that awaits you on the Blog page. Let each word guide you more profoundly, and don’t stop there. Then, explore the Books page, where my Bridal Heart books will illuminate your path toward the transformation that awaits you!

Author Kathleen Kaplan Founder of Bridal Heart

“I heard something like the voice of a great multitude, and like the voice of many waters, and like the voice of mighty thunders, saying, “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty reigns! Let’s rejoice and be exceedingly glad, and let’s give the glory to him. For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his wife has made herself ready.” It was given to her that she would array herself in bright, pure, fine linen, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. He said to me, “Write, ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb.’” He said to me, “These are true words of God.” ―Revelation 19:6-9