Take a Leap of Faith

Trust Me by Kathleen Kaplan

Love can be quite tricky, can’t it? We all want it, but looking for it can sometimes lead us in the wrong direction. The world can be chaotic, and it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. But perhaps the most heartbreaking thing is realizing that trust is the Achilles’ heel of the human heart. It’s fragile, easily broken, and once shattered, it can be challenging to repair.

We have learned that putting our faith in the wrong person can be incredibly damaging. Even though we may promise ourselves never to repeat that mistake, we still have a deep desire to trust and be trusted. And why wouldn’t we? Trusting someone and taking that leap of faith is one of the most valuable gifts we can give and receive. So, have you found someone you can trust?

Truth Frees Us

Have you ever had that gut-wrenching moment when someone you adore shatters your trust? Oh boy, have I been there. So there I was, ugly crying and kind of blubbering at Jesus, like, “Why’s my heart got to feel like it went through a blender?” And the answer I got? It was not what I saw coming.

He compassionately explained, “You live in a fallen, sinful world. People are imperfect. They have good intentions, but they will fail you.”

Then, Jesus asked me a question that shook me to my core. “In the scriptures, were you ever asked to trust people?”

I couldn’t think of a single verse on this topic, so I replied, “No.”

Jesus revealed the truth, “The scriptures only ask you to trust Us. We alone are sinless and perfect. We will never fail you. I can move mountains on your behalf. All it takes is your leap of faith to trust in Me to do it. So, lay down your worries and concerns. I can carry them for you.”

Go For It!

It’s easy to feel lost and alone in moments of heartbreak and confusion, but the truth is that we are never truly alone. Jesus is always with us, ready to comfort and guide us through life’s challenges. All we need to do is take that leap of faith and trust in Him. So, if you’re struggling today, remember that there is a safe place of trust in Jesus, and He is just a prayer away.

Trust me, it’s never too late to believe in something bigger than yourself. As the saying goes, “Faith can move mountains.” Dive into your destiny! Unleash a tsunami of blessings and extraordinary opportunities by trusting Jesus.

Dare to leap – what awaits on the other side is beyond your imagination.

“Jesus didn’t trust them, for He knows man to the core. No one needed to tell Him how changeable human nature is!” John 2:24-25

Bridal Heart Book Series BridalHeart.org